Monday 26 January 2015

Post-shopping guilt...

I am not a shopaholic. Well, not a really bad one. I mean, okay, so my author sister did write a whole series of books loosely (LOOSELY) based on my ability to find shopping opportunities wherever I happened to be (yes, people, I was a financial journalist who dreaded her credit card bills every month). But I’m not really that bad. I mean, I have never remortgaged the house to pay off my shoe debt, or abandoned one of my children so that I could buy some designer jeans. But I do, if I’m being completely honest, have ‘wish lists’ on a dozen shopping sites, which do, from time to time, move directly to my online shopping basket before I can say ‘mastercard’. Talking of which, I am the only person I know who knows the number (and expiry date) of their credit card off by heart. And I did buy several bodycon dresses whilst pregnant with my third (without trying them on, naturally), because they seemed like a great deal and I was convinced (blame the hormones) that they’d look JUST GREAT once the baby was born (I had evidently blocked out all memory of bra pads, baby sick and, you know, the fact that I would just have had a baby so it would be frickin YEARS before I even considered anything approaching bodycon again…)
The point is, whilst I loathe shopping centres and am like a man (ie grumpy and impatient) when traipsing round shops looking for something that I need, I love nothing more than to swoop like a bird on something that I want. And I also have a commendable ability to justify such purchases afterwards; even to congratulate myself on doing so well, as though no money had parted hands whatsoever.
Which brings me to these:
 Two-tone patent-leather pumps
Which I have just bought.
Now, they’re nice. Well I think they’re very nice. Low heel, so very practical. Hanging out with the children comfortable. Perfect for work. Even better for tripping around Florence, say. Which is TOTALLY going to happen. With three children. Frankly I don’t know how I’ve survived without them.
Except they’re also pale patent leather so not really very practical at all.
But come on, they’re very cute. And the strap is just sexy enough to give an otherwise drab outfit an edge. Plus they’re called ‘Gemma’, so how could I not?
I’ll tell you how. By not buying them, By recognizing that I have a cupboard full of shoes, and that mostly I wear trainers not beautiful Miu Miu shoes that look like they should travel in a cab at all times.
But then I tell myself I deserve them. I work hard, I devote myself to my children. I deserve a pretty pair of shoes, right? Of course I do. (And they were in the sale. Half price! Total steal!)
Just like I deserved this: 

And these:
Frame Denim Le High Flare high-rise jeans

And this jacket (currently in my wish list; let’s see how long I’ll hold out)
 MICHAEL Michael Kors Satin-trimmed crepe blazer
See the psychology of shopping is hard to unpick. Am I emancipated (spending my own money, making my own choices, 'because I'm worth it'), or subjugated (spending my hard-earned money chasing lifestyle dreams sold to me by glossy magazines which are funded by advertising from these shoe’s very designers?
Have I, a supposedly intelligent woman, bought into the ridiculous notion that pretty shoes will make the winter nights seem less cold and dark?
Except is it so ridiculous? I mean, nice shoes DO make life better. And not just when they’re mine. I love seeing people on the street who’ve made an effort, who are wearing something beautiful. The world can be drab and grey; sometimes we need pretty things to pick us up. Particularly when those pretty things are a result of craftsmanship, of stunning design, of care and attention.
And if they’re wish fulfillment, then what’s the harm in that? I sometimes take out my ‘occasion’ shoes and try them on, prancing about the bedroom like I used to when I was six, trying on our au pair’s dresses and heels, imagining that I was all grown up and had somewhere exciting to go.
Because it’s all about anticipation isn’t it? The getting ready for the party; the build up to Christmas; the preparation for a first date. That’s always been where the magic is.
So am I going to wear these shoes? I hope so. I mean, I’m sure I will. Loads. But if I don’t, at least I’ll have enjoyed imagining myself wearing them. At least I’ll enjoy glancing at them every time I rummage for another pair of trainers.
And anyway, I WILL wear them; I’ll just have to find the right thing to wear them with. Like that jacket, for instance…